Do you believe that Christian fiction can change the world?

These novels will take you deeper than you've ever dared to go ...

"Why waste your time writing silly little novels?" he asked.


So I explained how these books sparked a Christian revolution.

" engaging plot that reads like a story out of today's headlines ..."

~ Women of Faith

"Alana has a great heart for the persecuted church that comes out in her writing." 

~ Jeff King, International Christian Concern

"Alana uses some of the darkest realities of this world as a backdrop for light, hope and faith." 

~ Jaime Hampton, Praying Christian Women

"A gripping story, an uplifting theme, and exquisite writing."

~ Grace Awards

Read the novels that helped close down a North Korean prison camp ...

~ Sarah Palmer, Liberty in North Korea

"Beautifully written!"

"Once I finished this series I dropped to my knees and thanked God for the freedom I have."

~ Yvonne, avid reader

"An exciting, gritty, emotional story. Beautifully written and so descriptive." 

Alana's inspiring novels are changing the world, one reader at a time.

God is using these novels to bring freedom and hope to the North Korean people. 

~ Elizabeth, book reviewer

"One of the best things I ever did was pick up an Alana Terry novel." 


Read the 5-book series that started a North Korean revolution

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"If you only buy and read one Christian fiction book this year, it should be Alana Terry's."

~ David G. Johnson, Author


"A gripping story, an uplifting theme, and exquisite writing."

~ Grace Awards

"Beautifully written."

~ Sarah Palmer, Liberty in North Korea

"An exciting, gritty, emotional story. Beautifully written and so descriptive."

~ Yvonne, avid reader

"One of the best things I ever did was pick up an Alana Terry novel."

~ Elizabeth, book reviewer

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Which is why we're offering you the entire series at our best price ever!

Over $30,000 raised to help North Korean refugees

* Thousands of readers in 65+ countries inspired to pray

* The prison camp where these novels are set has since been closed

How one of North Korea's most notorious prison camps was closed ...

During my time writing this series, I prayed fervently for the prisoners in Camp 22, a North Korean prison camp where several of these novels are set.

One day while I was praying, I pictured the land where Camp 22 once stood, and there were throngs of people there worshipping God and praising him for the freedom he brings.

It felt so real, like God was giving me a glimpse of the future.

Years later, I found out Camp 22 had been closed ...